Originating in the aftermath of the Civil War, Memorial Day was established as a day to honor the fallen soldiers. However, its contemporary expressions often intertwine with themes of military strength and the glorification of war, adding layers of complexity to its meaning. Join us for our Memorial Day service as we reflect on the complex nature of this national observance.
The question "What shall I do with my life?" is one that, for many, if not most of us, never really goes away. It is a deeply spiritual and unsettling question; and it is not unusual not to have a definitive answer. As Abhi commemorates the 26th anniversary of his ordination into the Unitarian Universalist ministry, he shares reflections on mission and ministry.
Whether with buildings or faith, deconstruction can become necessary even as it brings its own challenges. Deconstructing patterns of belief has led some of us to leave past religious communities, support systems, and even family members and friends. The purpose of deconstruction is not just to dismantle the old, but to make space for the new. This week we explore what’s possible after deconstruction.
Unitarian Universalists have an array of belief systems that impact the way that we encounter the world. We will explore what it means to be a congregation dedicated to the pluralism that holds our traditions, principles and shared values.
The Youth of Cedar Lane lead this annual service.