Join us for learning and community on Sunday mornings. Our children and youth participate in age-appropriate faith formation in a warm and loving atmosphere that is great for continuing families and welcomes newcomers. Many of our classes operate on two-year rotations to allow for in-depth study and skill spiraling.
Our instruction is designed for students to gain a rich understanding of themselves and others through stories, games, activities and experiential learning. We have a strong focus on human sexuality education and pluralism. Our hope is that as children and youth complete our programs they will become young adults who are self-aware, justice-oriented, creative, global citizens. Below you will find detailed information about each class.
Register today at: to stay up-to-date on all of the ways children, youth, and families can engage in forming their faith together. Our Sunday School is just one way children and youth are invited into our multi-generational community.
Sunday School classes are facilitated by volunteers just like you! If you have questions or would like to volunteer please contact our Minister of Faith Formation Rev. Dayna Edwards at
Family Chapel and Wisdom Story start at 10:30 AM each Sunday morning
Each Sunday the children and youth (except for ages 0-2; nursery information below) begin their faith formation time either in the main sanctuary for a wisdom story or in the chapel for Family Chapel.
You can find out where to start your children using the calendar linked here or as a PDF file linked here.
Family Chapel: Family Chapel takes place for the first fifteen minutes of our time together in the Cedar Lane Chapel. Family chapel centers the big questions and big feelings of our school-aged children. The liturgy mimics much of the same pieces found in the main service, but shorter and child-centered.
On other Sundays, the children and youth begin in the main sanctuary where they will worship with their families and the entire congregation for the first 15 minutes of worship. During that time one of our ministers will tell a Wisdom Story that compliments the theme of the worship. Our wisdom stories are told from various sources ranging from ancient religious texts to contemporary stories from personal experiences. When the story is over, the congregation will sing a hymn while the children go to their Sunday School classes.
Children and youth are always welcome to stay with their parents in the sanctuary. We have creative listening materials available to help make worship accessible to all types of learners.
Maker Space (open on select Sundays)
Recommended all ages! A maker space is a collaborative workshop or community space equipped with tools and resources for people to create, invent, and learn. When people are invited into a creatively safe space they encounter the holy through the process of creation. Maker space puts the emphasis on the process and not the product. It is a place where people of all ages can come together and use art and technology to access answers to the “big questions” that go beyond words. People who participate in our Maker Space will have access to creative materials ranging from pen and paper to weaving looms, cardboard cutting scissors, and painting easels and canvases.
Nursery (for ages 0 - 2) 10:15 AM - 12:30 PM
The youngest members of our community are cared for by a professional and qualified childcare provider who is passionate about early childhood education. Our professional child care provider is assisted by a Cedar Lane lay-leader. This is the beginning of your child’s journey toward feeling a sense of belonging and safety at Cedar Lane.

The youngest members of our community are cared for by a professional and qualified child care provider who is passionate about early childhood education. Our professional child care provider is assisted by a Cedar Lane lay-leader. This is the beginning of your child’s journey toward feeling a sense of belonging and safety at Cedar Lane.

This Montessori-based religious education teaching method centers around stories. Our focus with this age group is to introduce them to the basics ideas of being in a faith community. Each week, they will light a chalice, listen to a story that is told with props found in a “storybox”, and then have an opportunity to respond to the story through art and play.

Within the "Haunting House" children will explore relationships, share stories, discover the natural world and talk about important religious questions, including about birth and death. Caregivers are invited into the classroom to create with their children several times throughout the year. The class includes an important caregiver meeting that discusses the birth and death units.
OWL is a transformative program that empowers our youth through a very important journey of self-discovery by equipping participants with accurate, age-appropriate information. This comprehensive sexuality education provides not only the facts about their changing bodies but also helps participants build strong bonds, clarify their values, build interpersonal skills, make informed and responsible decisions, and understand the various aspects of sexuality in a safe environment.

On Sunday mornings our youth group will deepen their Unitarian Universalist identities while creating bonds with their peers. They will use the Fly By Light curriculum which promotes five pillars: social emotional learning, artistic expression, environmental justice, social justice, and health and wellness.
In addition to our Sunday Morning programming, youth are encouraged to participate in fellowship activities and two off-site trips, one to Camp Tockwogh and one to a historical UU location, such as Boston, MA.

This is a prestigious leadership opportunity in which you will deepen your faith while also giving back to your faith. You will learn critical life skills such as conflict resolution, time and resource management, as well as how to function well in a high-demand environment. To apply go to Application deadline is Sunday, August 25, 2024.