Board of Trustees

Trustees, 2024-2025

John Dunn, Board President (2022-2025)
Roger Santodomingo, Immediate Past President (2021-2024)
Carolyn Morrissey, President-Elect (2023-2026)
Stephanie Williams, Secretary (2022-2025)
Cissie Williams, Asst. Secretary (2024-2026)
Greg Falcigno, Treasurer (2023-2025)
Joe Del Sole, Asst. Treasurer (2024- 2026)
Sandy Shaw, At-Large (2022-2025)
Aiden Chernikoff, At-Large (2023-2026)
Kimberly Clarkson, At-Large (2023-2026)
Mike Harris, At-Large (2024 - 2027)
Meriel Jimenez, At-Large (2024 - 2027)
John Woodward, At-Large (2024 - 2027)
Kim Y. Jones, At-Large (2024-2025)

To connect with the Board of Trustees, please email the Board President at

Board of Trustees Covenant

As Trustees of Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Congregation, we covenant to uphold our Vision and Mission, serving as responsible stewards of the congregation’s resources and prioritizing the well-being of our community. We commit to:

  • Listening deeply and respectfully to all voices, seeking decisions that reflect shared wisdom while honoring individual perspectives.

  • Supporting group decisions, even in dissent, without undermining them.

  • Leading with transparency, clear communication, and by example, fostering trust and collaboration.

  • Preparing diligently for meetings and fulfilling our responsibilities with care.

  • Sharing power equitably, ensuring all voices are heard and valued.

  • Honoring each person with respect, dignity, and compassion.

  • Addressing disagreements openly and respectfully, embracing transparency, and learning from challenging conversations.

  • Striving for decisive action while recognizing the complexities of our work.

  • Valuing the process as much as the outcome, celebrating achievements, and honoring each other’s contributions.

We hold ourselves accountable to these commitments as expressions of our dedication to the Cedar Lane community and its mission of justice, compassion, and spiritual growth.

Board Policy Manual

The Board of Trustee's Policy Manual and the Board Policy Manual Appendix include a collection of documents that define Cedar Lane's rules, policies, and procedures, and guides staff and lay-leadership in in their work.


View the Cedar Lane bylaws here.

Covenant of Right Relations

Cedar Lane adopted a Covenant of Right Relations in October 2017, as an important step in clarifying expectations and creating a safe environment for the congregation.

Board Meetings

Board Meetings are held usually on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 pm on Zoom. Board meetings are open to all Cedar Lane members to observe. To request the Zoom link, learn more about a current topic of Board discussion, ask questions, or request to speak at a meeting, email the Board President at  Minutes are recorded at each of these meetings.

News from the Board

The Board provides announcements and updates through the Cedar Lane weekly e-news, Social Media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram) and special Board e-Blasts. Watch your inbox and follow us to keep posted about the current work of the Board, upcoming activities, ways to engage with the Board, etc. Sign up for the Cedar Lane e-news to keep informed.