Unitarian Universalism is a faith that proudly embraces its heretical roots—not in defiance, but as a celebration of our tradition of challenging established beliefs and norms. This Sunday, join us for a dynamic, contemporary Soulful Sundown-inspired service where we delve into the bold and transformative journey of Unitarian Universalism. Together, we’ll explore how our heretical spirit continues to fuel our pursuit of justice, compassion, and spiritual growth. The service will be enriched by the soulful sounds of Ben Laurenson & the Yellow Velvet Band.
Join us for a special Quiet Callings service focused on the theme of gratitude. Through meditative readings, gentle music, and moments of silent contemplation, we gather to cultivate a spirit of gratitude.
What are the values that Unitarian Universalist share? We have often held out our right principles as our guide. How now do we share those values as we move forward keeping love at the center of our faith?
Unitarian Universalists have diverse beliefs. Come hear our Worship Associates talk about what they believe and reflect on their journeys of Becoming, Believing, and Belonging.
Play is a critical part of making meaning. As adults sometimes we need to be reminded to hold things lightly and look at life through the lens of play. Let’s take some time to play together.