photo from the balcony of audience and stage during a Sunday worship service with Rev. Abhi speaking
Rev. Abhi with a bunch of youth following worship service
Rev. Archene Turner during worship sitting down and listening with slight smile
Format: 01/30/2025
Sermon: Diwali: Out of Many, One Light
October 27, 2024
Rev. Abhi Janamanchi

Join us for a vibrant and joyous celebration as we celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights. This special service will illuminate the deeper meanings of Diwali, reflecting on themes of good truimphing over evil, hope over despair, and the renewal of our inner spirit. Through music, story, and ritual, we will come together to kindle the light within ourselves and our community. Come celebrate this rich cultural and spiritual tradition with us, as we find inspiration and connection in the Diwali spirit.

Sermon: United Nations Sunday
October 20, 2024
Dr. Janice Marie Johnson & Rev. Dr. Bill Sinkford

Today we celebrate the audacious hopes and dreams of the United Nations. We celebrate having the choice to embrace values that, ever centering love, have the power to help us thrive throughout our lifetimes. We are living in urgent times that demand our commitment to building a legacy of care and community, internationally, for future generations, for ourselves and for our fragile world.

Sermon: Holding Space for Atonement
October 13, 2024
Rev. Dayna Edwards

Join us to consider the spiritual practice of holding space to listen to hard truths, sit with discomfort, and make amends in this season of repentance.

Sermon: Living Our Mission: Who Do We Think We Are, Anyway?
October 6, 2024
Rev. Abhi Janamanchi

This service invites us to reflect not just on our identity, but on our mission—the "work of the church" and why we exist. Like a ship guided by a map, our mission directs us towards creating a community that celebrates dignity, nurtures spiritual growth, acts for justice, and serves the wider world. Join us as we dive deeper into understanding and embodying our mission, renewing our commitment to make love work in our lives and in our world.

Sermon: Committing to Climate Justice
September 29, 2024
Rev. Abhi Janamanchi

As we face the urgent challenges of climate change, we are called to deepen our commitment to justice, equity, and the protection of our planet. In this service, we will explore what it means to take bold, collective action rooted in our UU values of love, justice, and interdependence. Together, we will renew our vows to be stewards of the Earth, to stand with those most impacted by environmental injustice, and to build a sustainable future for all.