As a Community Minister affiliated with Cedar Lane, my calling is to extend our faith into the community. Periodically you’ll see me participate in worship services and occasionally I preach at other UU congregations. However, my passion is enabling UUs to do impactful social justice. Especially those that involve lgbt rights.
Another of my passions is teaching Our Whole Lives (OWL), our lifesaving comprehensive sexuality course. In the past, I’ve spearheaded “OWL Out,” taking OWL beyond our walls to reach at-risk teens where they are. Cedar Laners interested in helping me do this -- please be in touch.
I’ve long been an activist around anti-racism and LGBTQ issues, so serving our Cedar Lane people of color and LGBTQ communities is a big part of my calling.
My wife, Mary Means, and I were part of the Vision 2020 Team that successfully engaged the congregation in envisioning our future as a mission-driven church. We gladly give our gifts to advance Cedar Lane and Unitarian Universalism. To support our lives of activism, I work full time as a primary examiner at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.