Holiday Craft Day Dec 7 2024

Holiday Craft Day

December 7, 2024
10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Be part of the joy at this annual fun-for-all-ages event celebrating the upcoming holiday season by choosing among 25 different crafts!

The kids love making gifts for others and everyone enjoys seeing their own creations.  Try your hand at decorating a wreath, a gingerbread house, candles, or making a wand, a yule log, thistle animals, a pinecone suet bird feeder, bourbon or juice balls and so much more!  We take a break at noon to sing carols and enjoy lunch. Bring your own or buy some chili (delicious last year!), soup, or pasta.  Singing during lunch will be back in the sanctuary. Feel free to bring a blanket or folding chair. Don't forget to bring along a box to take all your holiday crafts and gifts home in.

Register at


Volunteers are needed to make this cherished Cedar Lane tradition a success and to assist those who haven’t done a craft before.  Volunteer shifts run from 10 to 12 or from 1 to 3. SSL hours are available for teens, and registration and costs are waived for volunteers.  

Sign up to volunteer at 


Email for more info.