2025 Congregational Retreat at Camp Tockwogh
Mark your calendar for the Camp Tockwogh All Congregation Retreat May 2-4! Find something for families & individuals of all ages, with archery, arts & crafts, water activities, poetry, rock wall, a talent show & more. Registration coming soon.
WHAT IS THIS EVENT? It is a time for Cedar Laners of all ages to spend time together in an informal, relaxed atmosphere. We will have a few structured opportunities for those who wish to participate, and lots of choices for other activities or for simply relaxing in a pretty, natural setting, alone or with excellent company as your soul dictates. This event is a group effort once there; everyone pitches in to ensure the success of the retreat as we build community together and support each other.
WHERE IS IT? Camp Tockwogh is located on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, just outside of historic Chestertown, Maryland. The camp is on 300 acres, with more than a mile of shorefront woods and beaches. Click here for maps and directions.
WHAT IS CAMP TOCKWOGH AND THE LODGING LIKE? It is not a fancy resort. It’s a YMCA camp. We will be sharing the property with other groups. However, we will be staying in lodging reserved just for Cedar Laners. There may be a limited opportunity (depending on registration numbers) for semi-private sleeping spaces in the upgraded lodging, however there are shared bathrooms and showers. The standard cabins have a separate, centrally located, shared bathroom and shower building. Click here for more information about lodging.
WHAT KINDS OF ACTIVITIES ARE AVAILABLE? Click here for more information.
IS THERE SUPERVISION FOR CHILDREN? This is a lay-led retreat. We rent the facilities and camp staff provide activities at specific times (here is the tentative schedule). There is no dedicated CLUUC or Tockwogh staff with the group the whole time (although Tockwogh staff are onsite to support our schedule and in case of emergencies). We are responsible for ourselves at all times, so any children need to either be supervised by the adult with them, or families and attendees will need to coordinate shared supervision once on site. For older children and teens, each family will decide the level of freedom with which they are comfortable during the retreat.
PITCH A TENT? You are permitted to bring your personal tent and set up next to our lodge if you prefer that to indoor digs. There is a reduced per person rate for those sleeping in their own tent.
WHAT ABOUT MEALS? Participants will be asked to bring contributions towards a cold breakfast of cereal, pastries, fruit, juice, and coffee, in our lodge on Saturday and Sunday morning. We will be eating in the shared camp dining room for Saturday lunch and dinner. One price covers all meals, we cannot charge per meal.
WHAT WILL IT COST? Please see the REALM registration page. (LINK WILL BE UPDATED FOR 2025 SOON!)