photo from the balcony of audience and stage during a Sunday worship service with Rev. Abhi speaking
Rev. Abhi with a bunch of youth following worship service
Rev. Archene Turner during worship sitting down and listening with slight smile
Format: 09/23/2024
Sermon: Spirit Experience: Ramadan
March 14, 2024

Join us for a special service with Imam Tarif Shraim and Sufi musician Kamyar Arsani as we commemorate the sacred month of Ramadan. Imam Tarif will share insights and reflections on the spiritual significance of Ramadan and its relevance to our lives today. Imam Tarif Shraim is the Muslim chaplain at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he has served for over twenty years. Imam Tarif is also active in lecturing on theology, spirituality, and emotional development, with a particular focus on the intersection of spirituality and positive psychology.

Sermon: Broken Crayons Still Color
March 10, 2024
Rev. Dayna Edwards

When a crayon is broken do you throw it away or continue to use it? Let's consider together what our spiritual work is in this consumer-based society.

Sermon: Change Is Constant
March 3, 2024
Rev. Abhi Janamanchi

Change. The word is enough to make some people shudder in anticipation – like waiting for the other shoe to drop. For others, it’s the juice that makes life most interesting. No matter what your feelings, there is one truth about change: change is constant. How we choose to risk – or resist – change, determines what transformations take place in our own lives.

Sermon: Igniting Community
February 25, 2024
Rev. Abhi Janamanchi

Light the flame of justice and equity in our community.

Sermon: Make Them Hear You
February 18, 2024
Rev. Ali K.C. Bell

When we feel that there are voices that are unheard in the face of injustice we must be courageous and join in those voices to amplify. How do we join and amplify the voices of the unheard to be co-conspirators of liberation?