Join us for a time of reflection and atonement as we participate in rituals of contemplation and renewal.
Exploring the meaning of radical hospitality, a welcome that truly invites all into belonging and engagement of mind, body, heart and spirit.
This Sunday we will kick-off the new congregational year in music, story, and ritual. this service will invite us to meet ourselves, and our community all over again – in a spirit of gratitude, and joy, and love. Together we will renew our most sacred promises to ourselves, to one another, and to life itself. Bring a small container of water if you can – from travels or your own tap – to mingle together in our annual water ceremony.
"We want bread but we want roses too!" the women on the picket line shouted as they struck a textile mill in Lawrence, MA, in 1912, and ever since the phrase "Bread and Roses" has come to symbolize the importance of something more than subsistence in the struggle for life. Unitarian Universalism embodies a commitment to the needs of both body and spirit. We welcome back the DC Labor Chorus & Dr. Elise Bryant to Cedar Lane!
Do you have a question about UU history, spirituality, theology, ministry, or UU practices? Send us an email and we'll try to respond to as many questions as time allows at our annual question box service on Sunday, August 27.