photo from the balcony of audience and stage during a Sunday worship service with Rev. Abhi speaking
Rev. Abhi with a bunch of youth following worship service
Rev. Archene Turner during worship sitting down and listening with slight smile
Format: 09/22/2024
Sermon: A Real-World Faith
September 15, 2024
Rev. Abhi Janamanchi

Join us this Sunday as we explore what it means to live a faith that is deeply connected to the real world—the world of our bodies and the body politic. We'll reflect on how our faith calls us to engage with the complexities of power and governance that shape our communal life and how we can embody our beliefs in the world.

Sermon: Meet the Moment
September 8, 2024
Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt

Join us for Ingathering Sunday as we kick off the new congregational year with music, story, and ritual. This special service, on the theme "Meet the Moment," invites us to reconnect with ourselves and our community in a spirit of gratitude, joy, and love. Together, we will renew our most sacred promises to ourselves, to one another, and to life itself. We are honored to welcome UUA President Sofia Betancourt, who will join us in blessing our beautifully renovated building.

Sermon: Question Box Service
September 1, 2024
Revs. Abhi Janamanchi and Ali K.C. Bell

Are you curious about Unitarian Universalism—its past, present, or future? Are you pondering our theology, philosophy, and history, or wondering how our faith tradition engages with today’s pressing issues? If so, don’t miss this Sunday’s worship service. Rev. Abhi Janamanchi is eager to receive your questions and will answer as many as possible. For those attending in person, index cards and pencils will be provided at the start of the service for jotting down your questions.

Sermon: Loving the Anxious Generation
August 25, 2024
Rev. Dayna Edwards

As school begins in the region, let's explore together what Unitarian Universalism has to offer, "the anxious generation." GenZ is both the future and the now of our faith. What lessons can we learn from our past so that we can love this generation into a place of spiritual growth and joy. This week Cedar Lane welcomes UUs from around the region as part of the "Preaching Along the Potomac" series.

Sermon: A Heretical Faith
August 18, 2024
Rev. Abhi Janamanchi

Unitarian Universalism is a faith that proudly embraces its heretical roots—not in defiance, but as a celebration of our tradition of challenging established beliefs and norms. This Sunday, join us for a dynamic, contemporary Soulful Sundown-inspired service where we delve into the bold and transformative journey of Unitarian Universalism. Together, we’ll explore how our heretical spirit continues to fuel our pursuit of justice, compassion, and spiritual growth. The service will be enriched by the soulful sounds of Ben Laurenson & the Yellow Velvet Band.